It's good to know they care...
I doubt the Red Sox are going to do anything about this (only showing their games on cable) but at least I let them know how rotten that is:
Thank you for writing the Boston Red Sox and voicing your concern
regarding the television broadcasting schedule. I want to assure you
that your input has been taken into account and brought to the
attention of management and ownership.
If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate
to contact me.
Lindsay Magee
Fan Services
-----Original Message-----
Posted At: Tuesday, April 18, 2006 3:02 PM
Posted To: Fan Emails
Conversation: bos - Other - None - Why no TV games?
Subject: bos - Other - None - Why no TV games?
E-mail From: Kathleen Cahill
I do not subscribe to NESN. I do not have $40 per month to spend on
cable. That means that my family is unable to view Red Sox games on
Why are you doing this? The games are sold out -- what's the problem
with broadcasting some of them on local TV outlets? If you do it this
way, you can say goodbye to your fan base. This is greedy and unfair.