Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Better mood and pictures of Clappy

Well, I've recovered from my doom and gloom mood of a couple of days ago. Looking forward to Thanksgiving and having some time off. I made a Pear-Cardamom cake lastnight and I think it'll be a nice dessert offering.

Here's a photo of Clapotis as it's making its way to the end. I've had some problems with decreases and had to frog back a few times to get on track and make sure the dropped stitch interval was symmetrical, but for the most part, I think it will be fine. I was hoping to have it done to wear on Thanksgiving day, but that won't be happening.

I actually started this piece two years ago just after Thanksgiving at my sister-in-laws's (where we are going this Thanksgiving as well). She was amazed at how many times I started Clappy, knitting for a while, realized a mistake I was making and then ripped it out to start over. "I could never do that," she said. But I thought it was fun and the constant frogging helped me figure out the pattern and how it worked.

After Clappy is done, I have some sewing up of kid sweater pieces to do. Then, 4 y.o. guy (Little D.) needs a pair of socks, so I'll be doing those. Happy Thanksgiving to all.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Grouchy blog entry

There is incessant jackhammering outside my office on the street. It is a huge pain in the ass. My 4 y.o. makes a scene every morning at preschool dropoff. I thought we prepared for a better dropoff and talked about getting stickers for a good dropof. His dad and I told him if there were enough stickers this week, we could do a special thing together. It didn't work. He knows Mom is an easy mark. He doesn't do this stuff with Dad. I know, I know. Rome wasn't built in a day.

The fun part of the day is that walking from my car to my office, I passed a student with a knitted Pac Man hat on! Complete with all the multicolored characters! It was so great that I voluntarily pulled myself out of my doomed mood and smiled for a while.

Grrr. Not to mention the hell drive to Philadelphia Thursday morning. Wish me luck. There will be fighting brothers in the back seat. It was easier with the dog.